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       The Persian Hebrew Congregation

A Synagogue that feels like home

We are a Sephardic Orthodox Congregation in Skokie, IL. Jews from numerous countries and various origins pray together in our beautiful sanctuary, celebrate chagim together, study together, enjoy kiddushim together and are always excited to welcome newcomers to our congregation.

Three Tenets of Judaism

At the Persian Hebrew Congregation, our home away from home, the three tenets of Judaism, Torah, Avodah and Ge'Meelut Chasidim (Study, Worship and Acts of Kindness) are the values that we hope to live by.

                     Upcoming Events


The Daily Mincha & Arvit will be at 4:40pm this week.


                Weekly Announcements

Parshat Va’era & Shabbat Mevarchim

Jan 24-30, 2025 – 5785

Rosh Chodesh Shevat will be one day this Thursday, Jan 30.


Friday Night Schedule:

Shir HaShirim - 4:20pm

Candle lighting time - 4:35pm

Mincha Friday Night - 4:35pm


Shabbat Morning

Shacharit - 8:40am

Shabbat Afternoon Class – 4:00pm

Chovat HaLevavot

Shabbat Afternoon Mincha - 4:25pm

Havdala: 5:47pm


The Chullent this week is sponsored by Haskell & Rochelle Israel in loving memory of Rochelle’s father, Moshe ben Baral and in loving memory of Haskell’s mother, Hava Bat Basim, Aleihem HaShalom.

May their memories be for blessings.


Seudat Shelishit is open for sponsorship.


We would like to thank Libby & Arnie Chernoff for doing the Shabbat shopping this week.

If you would like to volunteer to shop, please let us know.

Thank you very much.


Daily Minyan Schedule:

Sunday Shacharit 7:20am

Mon-Fri Shacharit 6:10am

Thursday Rosh Chodesh 6:00am

Mincha & Arvit this week is at 4:40pm.


Save the date:

PHC’s Annual Tu B’Shevat Seder will be held on Wednesday night, Feb 12.


Morasha will be sponsoring a Hilula for Baba Sali on Tues Night, Feb 4th.

See flyer on the email for details.


Refuah Sheleima List:

If you have a name of a person that needs a Refuah Sheleima, you may reply to this email with the name of the person.

Please say extra prayers & Tehilim for the hostages, wounded & Israeli Soldiers.

Rina bat Mozli, Yaacov Chaim ben Yosefa, Avraham ben Yocheved, Shlomo ben Malka, Levi Yitzchak ben Shifra, Yaakov ben Laura, Moshe ben Chana, Saaed Yitzhak ben Miriam Mohtarma, Doniel ben Ayuma, Sara Rachel bat Shifra, Liba Ruth bat Dina, Alter Fivel Nachum Shalom ben Fayga, Shayna Bracha bat Sima Yenta, Shamir ben Penina, Itta bat Tzippeh, Janet Sarah bat Heshmat, Sarah Vered bat Shoshana, Sima Yenta bat Chana Gittel, Flora bat Farangiz, David ben Maryam, Chaya Musa Ita bat Chana Gittel, Shifra Shulamis bat Chaya Musa Ita.


The Persian Hebrew Congregation is now accepting Zelle payments.

The email address for these payments is:

                      WhatsApp Groups

To join our PHC WhatsApp group or the Daf Yomi group speak to Rabbi Hamaoui.

Sat, January 25 2025 25 Tevet 5785